Turmeric Latte (Golden Mylk/Turmeric Tea)

Turmeric Latte (Golden Mylk/Turmeric Tea)

This drink is the perfect winter warmer, especially when it's absolutely freezing outside and we're all feeling a little too prone to a cold. We're all needing that 'already back into the flow of real life' pick-me-up. 

I drink this almost everyday during this time of year (honestly!). I sometimes mix it up and skip the cardamom for fresh ginger, or just use turmeric and powdered cinnamon. However, I do particularly love the combination below as the cardamom adds the most incredible fragrance and just lifts the entire concoction into another realm of warming and delicious (yes I did just type that and yes you will believe me once you try it!) 

So many of my friends and family absolutely love it, and It went down an absolute treat at Brunch Unearthed! If you're trying to cut down on caffein and still want that satisfying, creamy and uplifting drink, this is for you!

Serves: 1/ Time: 10 mins



  • 1 cup of milk (of your choice, I use Almond or Oat)

  • 1/8 tsp turmeric powder

  • 1 stick of cinnamon

  • 3 cardamom pods

  • Pinch Black Pepper

  • honey/agave (to taste)


  1. Add the milk and the spices to a pot

  2. Heat on a medium to low heat for 2-3 minutes

  3. Let it simmer on low heat for 2 minutes

  4. Add your choice or sweetener

  5. Strain with a tea strainer




1 taza de leche vegetal/normal (de tu elección, yo prefiero leche de almendras)

1/8 cucharadita de cúrcuma 

3 vainas de cardamomo

1 palo de canela/ canela en rama



  1. Poner la leche y las especias en una olla

  2. Calentar a fuego medio (4 minutos)

  3. Remover a fuego bajo (2 minutos)

  4. Mezclar con el endulzante

  5. Servir


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